What is Access Bars?
There are a set of 32 points on the head which, when lightly touched dissipates the electromagnetic charges that gets locked in the brain by thoughts, feelings, and emotions stored across lifetimes. These 32 different points correspond to different areas of your life. Would if you could hit the reset button by clearing thoughts and feelings which limit you from being your most authentic self? By touching these points the body starts a flow of energy and erases fixed judgment, negative feelings, and limiting beliefs. Do you know there’s something amazing possible for you, your practice, and for those who you assist? Access Bars has assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their lives. People report better health, ease of sleep, weight loss, better sex and relationships, relief from anxiety, less stress and so much more!
* Due to Covid-19 class sizes are reduced*
In order to create a safe and comfortable environment for learning, we are taking precautions to limit the number of people in the center at a time. There will be no healing sessions provided at the same time as classes. Class sizes are also reduced to half so that people can spread out. The building is sanitized daily, and the waiting room is temporarily closed.