60 mins
What is Reiki ? (pronounced RAY- KEY)
Reiki is a gentle, natural, non-invasive, safe, but powerful system of healing.
Reiki is comprised of 2 Japanese words, “Rei”- meaning higher power or God’s wisdom and “Ki”, meaning Life Force Energy.
This ancient practice was rediscovered and founded by Dr. Mikao Usui. Reiki is essentially a beautiful, safe, and pure form of energy healing or alternative medicine. It is harmless to the practitioner and recipient and can only be used for the highest good
* Due to Covid-19 class sizes are reduced*
In order to create a safe and comfortable environment for learning, we are taking precautions to limit the number of people in the center at a time. There will be no healing sessions provided at the same time as classes. Class sizes are also reduced to half so that people can spread out. The building is sanitized daily, and the waiting room is temporarily closed.