30 mins
What is Distant Reiki?
Energy is not bound or restricted by time and space. This is explained by quantum physics. You don’t have to be physically present to receive distant healing and it is equally effective as an In-person session. You can receive the benefits of Reiki while in the comfort of your home with a follow-up email or phone call after the session. Distant energy may be successfully sent anywhere in the world stretching beyond the limits of time and space.
“ Be gentle with yourself and patient with your healing, It takes both sunshine and rain to grow a garden” ~ Sunni
* Due to Covid-19 class sizes are reduced*
In order to create a safe and comfortable environment for learning, we are taking precautions to limit the number of people in the center at a time. There will be no healing sessions provided at the same time as classes. Class sizes are also reduced to half so that people can spread out. The building is sanitized daily, and the waiting room is temporarily closed.